SECTION | Item or Ref ID | Value or text |
Identification |
Official Latin term | stratum purkinjense corticis cerebelli |
Official subsidiary term | Purkinje cell layer |
Unit identifier | TAH:U5747 |
Unit type | single |
Materiality | material |
Latin terms |
Official term |
stratum purkinjense
Term status |
Universal term
Internal term |
stratum purkinjense cortex cerebelli
TA98 main Latin term |
a14.1.07.404 stratum purkinjense
English terms |
Official term |
Purkinje cell layer
Term status |
Universal term
Eponym |
layer of Purkinje
Official FMA term |
FMA:83896 Purkinje cell layer of cerebellar cortex
TA98 English equivalent |
a14.1.07.404 Purkinje cell layer
French terms |
Official term |
couche de Purkinje
Term status |
Universal term
Eponym |
couche de Purkinje
TA98 French equivalent |
a14.1.07.404 couche purkinjienne
Spanish terms |
Official term |
capa de células de Purkinje
Term status |
Universal term
TA98 Spanish equivalent |
a14.1.07.404 capa de Purkinje
Latin model |
Origin term of the model |
stratum purkinjense corticis cerebelli
Basic part |
TAH5747 stratum purkinjense
Referenced noun |
TAH12925 nomen stratum (nomen substantiae griseae systematis nervosi centralis) >stratum<
Referenced adjective |
TAH11570 nomen Purkinje (nomen eponymi) >purkinjensis<
Optional expansion | TAH5745 cortex cerebelli |
Referenced noun |
TAH11555 nomen cortex (nomen substantiae griseae systematis nervosi centralis) >cortex<
Universal formula |
Analysis of words |
Term to be analyzed |
stratum purkinjensecorticis cerebelli
Syntax error |
Unsuccessful term analysis
Date: 06.11.2023 |